Planet Haolewood

A toolbox, a change of underwear, and a surfboard.

Monday, June 19, 2006

"Uh... did you just say you're moving to HAWAII!?"

Here’s a fun little experiment that you kids can try at home. Just for fun, tell people that you’re moving to Hawaii and then just sit back and observe the reaction. I’ve had occasion to deliver such news a number of times over the past few months. Responses were often preceded by a long pause. Some people looked at me with confusion as if I had just told them I had booked a one-way ticket to Narnia.

Of course, Hawaii isn’t Narnia. People know that it is a REAL place. Many have even visited. Many people have visited Disneyland, too but you still don’t hear about anyone taking up residence in a condo on the slopes of Space Mountain. Hawaii is a VACATION destination. Maybe you get a timeshare if you really like it, but you don’t just MOVE there. Some people became excited when I told them my plan. The woman from PG&E who helped me when I called to cut off the electricity at my old apartment became down right CHATTY with all sorts of questions about how this move had come about and what I was going to be doing there. I don’t think you’d get that kind of response if you told people you were relocating to Los Angeles or Memphis. Maybe someone reading this can try THAT as an experiment and we can compare notes about the reactions we got.

Turns out people move here all time and not all of them are professional surfers or independently wealthy. Lots of ordinary people like me just pack up their things and come to the most remote islands in the world. It’s not something I ever really imagined doing but here I am. So far so good.


At 6/20/2006, Blogger Summer Pierre said...

I see that the ALL CAPS has started to eek into your blog system. All I can say is BEWARE! It gets DOWNRIGHT ADDICTIVE!

At 6/20/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like the view from Mt. Boreas! Congratulations on the summit...


At 6/20/2006, Blogger BOR-ee-us said...

Thanks for the tip, Summer. I will TRY to keep my fingers from straying toward that caps lock key...

At 6/21/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha...nice man...good to see you are alive and thriving. how are the waves??

At 7/05/2006, Blogger AngelNDisguise said...

Wow... ever have the feeling that once something is said or done.... everything relates to that for the next couple of days? Someone says train and so you watch a movie and it has a lot of trains in it; a friend mentions he took the train for the first time yesterday, etc..

My point? I just got back from Hawai'i and I have to say that I was one of those scavengers trying to fit too much into too little of a time. But I have a plan. I plan to go to school for geology (I've had previous notions of doing so) and move to Hawai'i to study the volcanos. And when I do.. I will help to relate the reaction I get for saying "I'm moving to Hawai'i!"


At 7/06/2006, Blogger BOR-ee-us said...

Sounds like a good plan, Angel.


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